Isaac Tigrett - A Maverick Entrepreneur
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Case Details:
Case Code : LDEN034
Case Length : 09 Pages
Period : 1960-2004
Pub Date : 2005
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Hard Rockcafe,
House of Blues
Industry : Entertainment
Countries : USA
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"All I did was put spirit and business together in that
big mixing bowl and add love. I didn't care about anything but people. Just
cherish them, look after them, and be sensitive to them and their lives."1
- Isaac Tigrett.
On June 14, 1971, Isaac Tigrett (Tigrett), and Peter Morton (Morton), started
the first Hard Rock Café (HRC) restaurant in London's fashionable Mayfair
district. The restaurant combined rock music, memorabilia related to rock 'n'
roll2 and American cuisine.
The cafe-music-museum
concept became very popular and soon the restaurant opened units in different
parts of the globe. HRC was the first theme restaurant chain in the world. In
1988, Tigrett exited from the HRC venture, and in 1992, started the House of
Blues Entertainment Inc. (HOB). This was a company engaged in the dining and
entertainment business.
HOB, which started its operations on Thanksgiving Day3
by feeding the homeless, encouraged racial and spiritual harmony, and
brought the neglected Blues4 culture
into the mainstream. Differences of opinion among Tigrett and the other HOB board
members over operations resulted in Tigrett opting out of the venture in
In the late 1990s, Tigrett launched The Spirit Channel, an enterprise
offering services related to spirituality and health through the Internet,
traditional media and physical locations. The venture failed to take off. In
2004, Tigrett launched yet another new venture, the Bozo Project, focusing
on the restaurant business.
The common thread that ran through all Tigrett's
entrepreneurial ventures was his respect for human values. While 'Love All,
Serve All' was the guiding gospel at HRC, it was 'Help Ever Hurt Never' at
HOB. Tigrett's commitment to upholding human values at the workplace
resulted from the influence that his spiritual guide, Sri Sathya Sai Baba5,
exerted on him.
Though many criticized Tigrett's entrepreneurial style, even his competitors
appreciated the way he introduced spirituality into the workplace. "Isaac is
a creative genius, and he has worked very hard to do what he has done,"6
said Brain Daneman, Executive Vice President and COO of the Motown Café.7 |
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